
Diaspora Engagement

IOM under its diaspora engagement project aims to build the capacity of the Government of Pakistan in engaging the diaspora of Pakistan and leveraging their skills and expertise in support of the country’s development. For the purpose of facilitating increased capacity building through knowledge sharing with diaspora communities around the world, IOM Pakistan facilitated the participation of the Ministry of Overseas Pakistani and Human Resource Development (M/oOPHRD) at the Regional Consultations on Diaspora Engagement: Europe, Asia,and the Pacific on 22 March 2022.

During the consultation, good practices around diaspora engagement were shared and identified among member countries of the region. IOM Pakistan is also supporting Global Diaspora Summit(GDS) 2022 organization team in the event preparation and in online sessions asan official observer. Additionally, IOM Pakistan has started developing an offline database of Pakistani Diasporas to assist the mission in facilitating meaningful diaspora engagement through knowledge transfer.

IOM Pakistan will continue to coordinate with the Ministry of National Health Services and Regulations and Coordination (M/o NHSRC) and with M/o OPHRD under the Pakistani Health Diaspora Initiative (PDHI) to move the diaspora engagement agenda forward.