
Pakistan prepares communities for emergency response

Pakistan - IOM’s partnership with Rescue 1122, the largest emergency response service in Pakistan, hit new heights this week with a joint camp coordination and camp management (CCCM) training in Lahore for rescue and safety officers (RSO) from 29 districts of Punjab province.

These officers work directly with communities and are well-positioned to build a solid foundation of camp management awareness and knowledge at the local level.  The collaboration between the institutions is helping to build a network to reach communities with key messages in preparation for future emergencies.

“Through participation in the camp management training, we can strengthen the capacity for managing displacement in our district and be better prepared in responding to future disasters,” said Asghari Parveen, an RSO from Jhang district.

Six Rescue 1,122 staff who were certified as trainers by IOM earlier this year are taking a leading role in delivering this week’s course.

“The trainings have increased our knowledge of camp management. We experienced heavy rainfall in 2013 and it was very encouraging to apply lessons learned at previous trainings,” said Zafar Iqbal, a district emergency officer (DEO) from Okara district.

By linking these training initiatives, Punjab will have a trained DEO and RSO in almost every district to coordinate CCCM responses at administrative and community levels in the event of future disasters.

IOM Pakistan’s CCCM capacity building programme began in 2011 and has since trained more than 2,000 governments, humanitarian and civil society participants to promote the effective management of displacement in emergencies.

For more information please contact

IOM’s Pakistan Emergency Stabilization and Support Unit (PESSU)
Tel. +92.51 230 784157